Thank you, Ohio State Alumnus–A Level Head At Last!

“As a graduate of The Ohio State University, I never thought that I would be writing about anything that related to Penn State. But, I can no longer take the ignorance and lynch mob mentality of many of the media outlets, as well as the general populace. It has always amazed me that we (readers and listeners of mass media) have become so lazy that we swallow every morsel of so called news as gospel. Lest we forget that the media must sell their wares in order to remain in business. With the advent of ever evolving technology that task has become increasing more difficult. As a result, the media too have evolved. What used to be a respected profession, where journalistic integrity and the reporting of the facts were not only the norm, but were sacred and guarded, has now become a mission to remain relevant and profitable. Their integrity and reporting of the facts have often taken a back seat to the sensationalizing of some facet of the news. It’s no longer good enough to simply report the facts and allow the readers or listeners to form their own judgment or opinion. Many articles today are merely watered down editorials with morsels of the truth thrown in so one could call it a news article. I believe that the media are the most powerful people in the world. We have been led to believe, in fact brain washed in a sense, to accept the words of the media as an unbiased and fair representation of the facts. The Sandusky Sex Scandal, or as it’s better know the Penn State Sex Scandal… because the word “Sandusky” won’t sell as many papers or TV ads as “Penn State”, is a prime example of the media gone wrong. I continue to be amazed by the irrational comments from generally intelligent people. Their naive acceptance of the media’s portrayal of the students/athletes, as well as Joe Paterno and other officials at Penn State is very bothersome to me and it should be to you. For those of us who have actually read Louis Freeh’s report (which is the most comprehensive study about the Sandusky Sex Scandal) with an open mind, it must make you wonder about a number of things. One of the most basic tenets of the entire document has been largely ignored by media. The report clearly states that in 1998 an investigation took place regarding Sandusky and alleged misconduct with young boys. The District Attorney along with the police department and several state organizations conducted numerous interviews. School officials, parents and alleged victims were all questioned. The investigation was closed and no charges were filed. Sandusky should have been stopped in 1998. He wasn’t. The report went on to say that law enforcement and child welfare officials were ill equipped and not sufficiently trained to adequately recognize and handle adolescent sexual abuse. What? Why isn’t that the headline? Apparently, that won’t sell as many ads or newspapers. That one sentence shines a whole new light on this entire tragedy. If the professionals who are hired to serve and protect didn’t have the proper knowledge, training and education as it pertained to adolescent abuse, what makes everyone think that a football coach or academic officials should? However, not one media outlet picked up on that and reported the finding. Apparently, it wasn’t sensational enough. In 2001, having been through a Sandusky investigation just three years prior, Joe Paterno reported yet another incident to school officials. Knowing the result of the 1998 investigation, one might understand (not condone, but understand) why, after the initial report was filed, there was limited follow up on the part of Joe Paterno. There’s no doubt that Paterno and school officials made some horrendous decisions. But, so did the law enforcement personnel and state agencies who were supposed to be knowledgeable about pedophiles and their characteristics. I question why the media and many of you are holding a football coach and an administration to a higher standard than law enforcement and agencies whose job it is to protect all of us? Would you hold Child Protective Services, State Police or the District Attorney responsible if the Nittany Lions lost a football game? Of course not. It’s irrational and idiotic. I’m not downplaying the acts of Sandusky. They were horrific! Further, I’m not defending anyone, but simply pointing out the fact that the mob is trying to condemn Penn State’s current students, athletes and officials for grievous acts committed 12 or 14 years ago. For the most part, today’s student body at Penn State were just getting out of diapers when these acts occurred. How is it rational or just for them to be punished? One final thought. During the same time frame of 12 to 14 years, the students at Penn State have raised and donated nearly $100 million dollars for research and a cure for pediatric cancer. Thousands of young lives have been saved or made better because of the students at Penn State. Let’s stop casting aspersions and not forget all of the good they have done. So, before you jump on the band wagon, perhaps you should know the facts and not just what the media want you to believe. I’m proud to be a Buckeye, but feel very sad for the victims, students and everyone who calls Happy Valley home.”

186 comments on “Thank you, Ohio State Alumnus–A Level Head At Last!

    • So well said…There are so many things that have been pushed under the carpet about this long investigation..So sad..Mr. Sandusky has ruined many, many lives.

  1. Thank you so much for your professionalism and unbiased journalism. This is such a breath of fresh air. The Penn State backers have felt the need to speak out loud and strong because we live with the appreciation for all of the absolutely wonderful things the school and its culture instilled in students past and present … and for us to be asked to sit back and keep quiet while we’re all being lynched is unfair. JS didn’t wake up one day in 1998 and decide to go after little boys… his gross behaviors likely went undetected many years prior to that. He used Penn State to further his mission but he would have abused boys without Penn State… he was a sick, sick man. Who among us doesn’t have at least one thing in his or her life that they wouldn’t do differently if they knew what they knew today. And, you are spot on… if the professionals didn’t make the right call, how can we expect anyone to make the right call?

  2. Thank you so much. What a refreshing aspect on this terrible case. I am a Penn State alumnus and I am shocked by the people who would rather see Penn State burned to the ground than admit they have done anything good. People are so willing to forget or look passed the details of this case that would lead them to believe that this should not have even had a chance to make it to Penn State. That man should have been stopped years before. Thank you.

      • Yes, make every attempt to get this out to the country. Mistakes were made, but the student athletes at Penn State shouldn’t bear the brunt of it.

    • I put it up on cnnireports last night. I tried the ny TIMES, but this is a third person situation, and they won’t take anything third person–I sent it in anyway to both their letters to the editor and their oped page. Yesterday there were over 15,000 people who read the story here, so we are getting the word out. I am depending on all of you to spread the word even further! Thank you for all your comments and keep them coming.

    • I am not the “Buckeye” but this was put on Facebook and I don’t know who it was that wrote it–I just passed it along–that is why it is titled “Thank you Ohio State Alumnus–whoever it is I am thanking them for writing this!

  3. Eschewing blame upon different agencies and not the root of the issue…. it is the penn state sex scandal because even though Sandusky was the offender, other individuals knew and did not take the proper actions. PSU79- “He used Penn State to further his mission but he would have abused boys without Penn State” this is exactly why it is the Penn State Sex Scandal.

    • Actually, he used the 2nd Mile and his status as the founder of the organization to gain access to young boys. Without the 2nd Mile, he would not have had the grand scope to reach these young men…..

    • Why isn’t it the Second Mile scandal, why isn’t it the CYS scandal, why isn’t it the DPW scandal…why isn’t it the District Attorney’s scandal. THOSE are the bodies of individuals who could have made this stop. Penn State, Joe Paterno, and even the one’s that failed morally are still not the individuals who would have stopped this. 2008 – Sandusky should have been arrested then based on legal action…and was not! People at PSU failed. But the system that would capture, charge, send to trial and convict needs to be exposed equally if not more intensely!

    • Oh good, some irrationality strikes a rational argument that defends penn state. Let me ask you this itascot…if Someone on your street committed murder, would YOU expect to be charged for his crimes with life in prison? Would that make any sense? That’s exactly what happened at penn state and that’s exactly the type of mentality and idiocracy your comment implies. Your comment is out of line and you should consider shutting the hole in your face until you can think with rational thought. I hate people like you.

    • No it should be the Sandusky sex scandal not Pennstate sex scandal. They told officials in 98 and they didn’t have enough evidence then to convict Sandusky. What was Joe or anyone else suppose to do. If they kept pushing it and there was not enough evidence they could have been charged slander!!! The media don’t talk about that though do they?

      • They didn’t push it because Corbett was getting ready to run for governor and he didn’t know how it would turn out. He didn’t want to be the guy that took down Penn State and lose the election. Is that any different than covering up?

    • And why not the Second Mile Sex Scandal or the Dept of Children and YOUTH Sex Scandal or the State Police Sex Scandal or the Att, Gen of PA Sex Scandal (who by the way is now the Gov of PA) or the DA of Centre Cnty (who has disappeared from the face of the earth) Sex Scandal? I guess they did not have deep enough pockets.

  4. What a wonderfully well written response to all the negativity surrounding Happy Valley. Those of us that call it home will be afraid to mention that we live in this wonderful area. Most people that live here seem to be associated with Penn State by either working there or having gone to school at the university. We thank you for expressing your positive comments, and having written a wonderful comment of this horrendous situation. It needs posted in Sports Illustrated or Newsweek, as well.

    • If you are afraid to to mention you live in Happy Valley because of this – what would you do if you were asked if you were asked to do something because of your faith.

    • ESPN and NBC sports commentators were jumping for joy when the sanctions came out. Bob Costas, Steve Smith, Desmond Howard, Mark May to name a few, detest Penn State. THEY HATE PENN STATE!! Watch the video clip of ESPN’s Steve Smith bashing Franco Harris. I read today where the NCAA was just waiting to hand something down to PSU since the ’70’s, because they never liked JoePa.

  5. Well for one the law enforcement personnel and state agencies only got the FIRST incident reported to them. After the 1998 incident, don’t you think that should’ve put some doubt in PSU officials minds? I know there were no charges brought against him in 1998 but there were allegations, and to have someone credible like your former starting quarterback and assistant coach report the incident should’ve only made officials more suspiscious.

    • Oohh, I didn’t realize . . . first abuse incident is a “gimme”? They didn’t have to investigate the first one because, you know, what are the odds that it would happen again?

      Please. Massive fail on the part of law enforcement and child “protective” services.

    • You assume that Joe or the others were even notified. If you were under suspicion for a crime and the local police investigated you and found there were no grounds to arrest you, would you then expect the police none the less to notify your employer of the investigation or would privacy laws and normal plolice protocol prevent this from happening? Spanier remembers none of this from 1998 and I believe him. The Freeh Report never interviewed Joe before he died even though Joe aoofered to talk to him. Spanier had to go out of his way and demand a meeting with Freeh 4 days before the findings were released. Real independent investigation. Right? You can’t even wash your hands with the Freeh Report. It had a predetermined answer before it was even written. That is quite obvious to everyone who reads it, I mean REALLY reads it.

    • State law enforcement and child protective services couldn’t or didn’t file charges in 1998, but Paterno did take some action…he told his heir apparent, “No, you won’t lead this team after I retire. You are gone from my staff.” Maybe that’s all he could do then.

      • Paterno told Sandusky he wouldn’t be head coach before the 1998 incident was known. JS voluntarily retired to take advantage of a limited-time golden handshake for state employees.

        The 1998 case was not prosecuted b/c the Child Protective Services psychologist whiffed big-time. He found JS displayed many traits of a pedophile, but concluded JS wasn’t one b/c they don’t start at age 50. (Rather than wonder if the 1998 case was the first.) With that report in hand, the DA had zero chance of a conviction.

  6. very well written, just think if it would have been taken care of by all departments when word got out it would have just been an employee at penn state, but because of those few men for no good reason tried to cover it up, thats what hurt them. we shouldn’t punish the innocent, all those wins were taken away from all those young men who worked hard for penn state and from a great coach who was not the pervert.we will never even know if joe was even in that room and what they said to him.

  7. The problem is that the 2001 “incident” was never reported to the police, child protective services or the DA. So they did not have the opportunity to investigate this incident. The DA did not have the evidence to prosecute in 1998, who knows, maybe the victim or the victims’ parent were not willing to testify, which is often the case in sexual assault cases. Who is to say the victim in the 2001 incident would not have testifies. The police were not even given the chance to identify the 2001 victim, because they never even knew about it. BECAUSE of the 1998 allegations, Penn State administration should have been even more vigilant in reporting even the hint of a rumor of sexual abuse. Instead they all, including JoePa choose to keep it quiet.

    • TM, please don’t refer to Joe Paterno as JoePa if you’re speaking negatively about the man. It’s Mr. Paterno to you. It’s very sad that even in light of this article, people on this thread are still finding ways to crucify him and not Sandusky. Could JoePa have done more? Absolutely. But, the media has sensationalized this scandal beyond belief. The true culprit (Sandusky) will pay for his crimes. Let JoePa rest in peace.

    • AGAIN TM…READ! Pg 75 of the Freeh report says that Curley,Schultz, and Spanier made the decision to not report it. JP reported it to them. Sure, he didn’t follow up with them to see if they reported it, but should he have? You would thinks so, but I sincerely believe he thought it was being handled. Secondly, the 1998 incident was investigated by the university police which Schultz headed. In the Freeh report, when the 2001 incident occurred, Schultz checks in to see it there was documentation of the 1998 incident, which JP didn’t know anything about. chapter 4 of the report is the most telling of the entire report.

      • And furthermore, JP grand jury testimony says that he said he didn’t know about the 1998 event. Curley and and Schultz were indicted for lying about this, JP wasn’t. When case was resolved, One of they “briefed” JP but the report says it is not clear about what he was informed of. JP notes on GS retirement ( a footnote on one the pages) says the JP handwritten notes says that he didn’t even want GS on campus using Lasch with Second Mile kids anyway.

      • Some people would prefer to have the football coach actively involved in criminal investigations … like they do things in the SEC.

    • You forget that Schultz was in charge of the University Park Police Department, it’s own police force serving nearly 60,000 people. The next step was to report to Ray Gricar, the DA for Centre County, who after receiving a mountain of evidence against Sandusky in 1998 decided not to press charges against the advice of lead investigator Ron Shreffler, then he conveniently disappears after supposedly reopening the case in 2005 in the midst of another major marijuana investigation. Sandusky was allowed access to the Board of Trustees Press Box area, and sat with many high level trustees and administrators on 10/22/2011, even when they all knew he was under investigation. Tom Corbett could have had Sandusky arrested in 2008 when he assigned two NARCOTICS officers to investigate the allegations of child molestation against Sandusky, but he waited till 11/2/2011.

      This is pure supposition on my part, but with the knowledge that Sandusky’s charges had already been dropped by prosecutors, was in league with many powerful political figures throughout Centre County, what does everyone suggest Joe Paterno could have done? There was no one to go to outside his own chain of command, which was already compromised. Sure you could say he could have gone to the feds, but the problem was they would have sent him straight back to local prosecutors. Why? Because Title 9 did not have any policy in regards to minors on College campuses until last year!! Sure the Clery Act was written by then, but that was only to address reporting to federal agencies, not addressing how to report a sexual crime committed to a child which is what Title 9 addresses. College campuses were not mandated to begin sexual harassment training until 2007. So NO one has had a clear understanding of how to address these issues within the context of a university. They have in k-12, but not in academia. All of the policies that we as college educators must adhere to in regard to the protection of children on college campuses have been created within the last 12 months.

      I know this because I am on a Title 9 committee at the college that I serve. So, with all of this in mind, a 72 years old man, was given VAGUE information (he was told by McQueary that McQueary thought he saw Sandusky doing something inappropriate to a child), went through his chain of command (that all faculty handbooks tell you to do) to report allegations. When he perceived nothing was being done, where could he go to further an investigation? IF he went outside his chain of command, he risked damaging a potential secret investigation. If he went to Ray Gricar, Mr. Gricar had already dropped more serious charges including a tape recording of Sandusky begging for forgiveness from the victim and his family.

      Furthermore, the 2001 charges involving McQueary were acquitted in a court of law. So…. Penn State is being held accountable by the world for incidents that in a court of law were dismissed. Meanwhile, the 2nd Mile, various administrators and most importantly the Criminal Justice system of Centre County get a get out of jail free card while the university is crucified. And before anyone says the administrators are getting a freebie, just wait… It’ll happen.

      Why aren’t the people involved with the 2nd Mile being raked over the coals, why won’t the media address the criminal justice system? Why do we lay all the blame on a coach, instead of putting all that energy in bringing true justice for the many, many victims?

    • Exactly. Sadly Joe did not finish well, and it reflects on the whole school. Does not make it right, but that is how it is.

    • TM,
      Please read the report in detail yourself instead of parahrasing the summary of Freeh’s press conference. The report that he wrote himself contradicts the conclusion that he announced at the press conference. You will have a different mindset once you have read it.

    • it was reported to the head of police- Univ VP, Gary Schultz was the head of PSU Univ Police- that was the chain of command- to the AD and the police. Are you aware that universities have their own police departments (something I now see as a conflict of interest)

    • Another fact that seems to have slipped the collective media’s mind: Mr. Schultz was the head of the campus police. So Coach Paterno did, in fact, report to not only his superiors but also the campus authorities who in turn chose not to report the matter.

    • JoePa was the ONLY one who readily admitted that in hindsight which is 20/20 that he wished he would have done more but didn’t. He did what he thought was right. And believe me, this is not over and there are more important people who will be discovered but at present have enough money and have been able to deflect the spotlight off of them and on JoePa but Karma is right around the corner!

    • If Joe wanted to keep it ‘quiet’, why didn’t he then tell McQueary at that time ‘this will be between you and I’, instead of reporting it up the chain of command? Also, how could 4 men not know that these boys would never tell someone? Joe would’ve NEVER done anything to compromise his position, in that regard.

  8. Thank you for a clear and unbiased article. I have grown ill of the constant bashing of Penn State as a whole, by both media outlets and the public. I am a criminal justice major at a Penn State commonwealth campus, and take great pride in my school and its history. I will continue to support Penn State and all the good that it offers to the global community.

    Thank you, again. I am grateful to have read something so refreshing, and I do hope that there are more people like yourself than detractors.

  9. Thank you so very much for taking the time and effort to write this. It is quite distressing to hear and read the bashing of all of us who live here — some have even said to me, “too bad for the folks affected, they’re just collateral damage.” You have shown me there is still sanity, reason, and even love remaining in the world.

  10. 1998 and 2001 were not the dark ages. Rape is a very serious crime. Perpetrated on children, has to be even much more so. Probably only secondary to murder. Children who are raped rarely have a life that includes intimacy and trust with a partner/spouse and others. And isn’t that probably the thing most people ultimately want above all else in life? If one of JoePa’s children was the victim, do you think Sandusky would have been allowed to stay in a position at PSU, never mind allowed to work with children unsupervised? Common sense. We don’t have to expect more of others than we do of ourselves, but we should not expect less of our heroes and leaders than we would of ourselves.


  12. Thank You very much what ever happened 14 years ago i will tell you everything was swepped under the rug. Now nobody wants to talk about it now do they. Just keep blaming the ones who shouldnt be blamed

  13. Someone should send this to the collegian, i’ll bet they would publish it. I know they are a small paper but it’s a start, and to the person that wrote this, Thank you and god bless

  14. Lady just stop you are delusional!!!! You can’t be serious with what you wrote!!!! This is a joke and you should be a shamed of yourself for publishing this. If you don’t think a man who control everything in a city and a school could cover something up your worse than the media you are knocking. Have you seen some of the scandals that have been covered up at that institution!?!?! Sorry enough was enough and to say you feel bad for the victims, but say it being portrayed horribly is a joke. You don’t care about a single victim. How much they have donated to research means nothing, maybe that 100 million should of be used to stop a predator that was feasting on child. Any other school would have gotten rid of him right away, but since he was loyal to “Joe Pa” it was okay and forgiven!!!

  15. Thank you so much!!! We are just devastated and heartbroken at the events of the past year. The past week has been so unbelievable, and all of that good that JoePa has done has been wiped out by one evil man. I’ve never rooted for Ohio State (unless you’re playing Notre Dame, Michigan, or Miami), but maybe I will cheer a little bit now. 🙂 For the glory!!

  16. As a PSU alumni, living 26 miles outside of Columbus, OH for the past 5 1/2 years, I have grown to accept the usual taunts from Buckeye fans. I also had a horrendous experience at the PSU/OSU game at the Shoe in 2010. That being said, I would like to thank this author from the bottom of my heart for a truly fair and unbiased writing of the FACTS. You have given me a newfound respect for some OSU grads, and like Terry G said above, we will remember our friends.

    • On behalf of all Buckeye alumni and fans, if one of us insulted you at a PSU/OSU game, please accept our apology. My of us take great pride in being die-hard fans of our team, but show respect for our opponents’ fans (well, less so with UM and FL). With the two schools in adjoining states, there are many families with ties to both (I’m a Buckeye with Nitany Lion parents). Hang in there and Go Bucks-We Are …

    • sorry for your bad experience in the Horseshoe. As a loyal Buckeye I have attended games at both Columbus and Happy Valley and have only seen friendly rivalry between fans. Not so with the northern team.

  17. As a Penn State alumni, I thank you for your excellent and unbiased opinion. The Pennsylvania State University is a college instiution that has educated many…including student athletes who have participated in the PSU football team. Some have pursed careers in the NFL and the business world, and many have been rewarded with substantial monetary gain regardless of “the truth.”. Contrary to distorted public opinion and printed reactions( i.e. Sports Illustrated, July 30, 2012), Penn State University athletes will always represent the integrity and high moral standards required of the PENN STATE CODE. In reality, most Penn State students pursue careers unrelated to sports…mainly football. In reference to the recent publication of Sports Illustrarated…WE ARE PENN STATE! And for the record, I’m sure the author of the article is an “unbiased” reporter…LOL!!!

  18. Where to begin dissecting this thing…..

    1. “But, I can no longer take the ignorance and lynch mob mentality of many of the media outlets, as well as the general populace.” — You assume too much. “Ignorance?” Really? So you’re so presumptuous you accuse all who disagree with you — the media and the general populace — of being ignorant? We’re just two sentences into your diatribe and you’re already guilty of the same irrational, sensational “reporting” that you’re about to go on accusing others of demonstrating. By “lynch mob mentality” I assume you refer to the desire for the removal of JoePa’s statue and wins record, and the sanctions against the current football team. So, just because some people wanted Joe’s legacy reduced and the school’s signature sports program penalized, that makes those people posse material? Come on. Name-calling is not the way to begin an essay I imagine you thought was fair and rational.

    2. “It has always amazed me…. and fair representation of the facts.” — This 200-plus-word section is a typical cynical attack on modern media, lumping all contemporary media together in some mass, ratings-fueled race to the bottom of the sleaze abyss. Exactly which media outlets do you mean? Or do you really mean all of them? Surely you’ve seen one, maybe even two, fair reports on this Penn State scandal. Are you really suggesting that every word in every report in every newspaper, website, and TV broadcast has been a lie, or at best inexcusably incomplete? Journalists report what they know, and stories evolve over time. Expecting every detail to be nailed down to the letter is ridiculous. What gets reported changes over the life of a story because more facts come out and the story becomes more complete. Did you expect media outlets to voluntarily sit this one out, and get back to us all later when they had the whole picture wrapped in a bow? Just because some sacred cow like Joe Paterno was involved does not mean media had to tiptoe around the edges of the story. Stop blaming the media. The media gave Joe Paterno a chance to reveal every detail of what happened, and he lied, he pretended to be ignorant of the fact that some grown men do indeed rape boys. He also started renegotiating his retirement deal in February 2011, just after he heard Sandusky and the PSU executive team were about to get charged. The media was there for Joe to use to come clean, and Joe lied into the microphone.

    3. “The Sandusky Sex Scandal, or as it’s better know the Penn State Sex Scandal… because the word “Sandusky” won’t sell as many papers or TV ads as “Penn State”, is a prime example of the media gone wrong.” — What a total crock of shit this is. The sex abuser was a Penn State assistant football coach, then a Penn State retiree (with benefits), had an office on the Penn State campus, had keys to Penn State facilities, had access to Penn State’s football program and facilities, used his Penn State connections to start The Second Mile foundation, got tickets to Penn State bowl games and used those tickets to haul one boy to a hotel sex romp on Texas … Need I go on? Do I have to include that the Penn State president, AD, and head coach conspired to keep the sex scandal quiet? The sanctions and JoePa’s legacy smackdown are all about the cover-up, not the crimes of Sandusky. Why can’t people get that through their heads? The high profile of the football team was used as a reason to cover up this scandal. That is a very simple concept to understand, and the punishments dished out this week are related to that, not to Sandusky’s crimes.

    We could go line-by-line here, but I’m going to pick out just a few more of the glaring weaknesses in this essay:

    4. “Many articles today are merely watered down editorials with morsels of the truth thrown in so one could call it a news article.” — Link them. Show us exactly which articles fail to live up to your standard of objective reporting. Tell us exactly where the “watered down” parts are. Stop generalizing and give us specifics.

    5. “The report went on to say that law enforcement and child welfare officials were ill equipped and not sufficiently trained to adequately recognize and handle adolescent sexual abuse. What? Why isn’t that the headline?” — It should be a headline, on a story about the competence of the child welfare arm of the government. That story might be coming. But that’s a macro-issue. Yes, we as a society ought to have better-trained child welfare personnel. That aspect of the story is important, but it’s not THE story in this case. Child welfare concerns are relevant world-wide. The context is of a different sort. This story is about a group or professional men who conspired to help their school and their football program out of a criminal and public relations nightmare. There are, certainly, other stories — central and sidebar — that can become the focus of reporting once the specific Penn State mess is cleaned up, but Penn State people and their defenders cannot deflect here. There is a campus-related cover-up, and it has to be reported, along with everything else that come to light in this sordid story.

    There is a moral issue here that goes beyond the legal responsibilities. After the 1998 investigation, the Penn State administration and Joe Paterno told Sandusky he was never going to be head coach. Suddenly, the 55-yr-old star assistant retires. Just like that. That’s Step One in the road to ruin. They could have fired him and rolled the dice on Sandusky’ willingness to bring a wrongful termination lawsuit, knowing the shame it might cast on him because of the just-concluded sex abuse investigation. But they didn’t fire him. They allowed him to exit gracefully. The school — based on a legal, contractual obligation, probably — granted Sandusky full retirement benefits. Joe says good-bye, thinks the “no charge” investigation ended it all, and that was that.

    But then the shower/locker room scene hits, three years later. Joe makes one phone call, and that ends his involvement. Knowing the history of Sandusky, Joe does nothing else. The school takes away Sandusky’s keys to his office and to the locker room facilities. But he still draws a pension. Still shepherds boys to football practices. Still gets comped bowl game tickets. Still uses his “former Penn State assistant coach” status to promote his annual golf outing to benefit Second Mile. And all the while, Joe worries about the all-time win record and about his legacy compared to Bobby Bowden and Bear Bryant. (He was a football coach, and I know those things matter, but there was a Frankenstein loose, and Joe helped turn him loose. Joe was not a god, but he had powers comparable, relative to his stature and status in State College. He did the minimum, and that’s inexcusable.)

    Should Gov. Whatever (I left Pennsylvania 27 years ago and do not pay attention to politics anymore; sorry, I don’t know names.) and the rest of the bunch, from 1998, have to sit and answer questions? Certainly. Anyone who ought to go to jail, should go to jail. But again, that’s just one issue here. The “Penn State” part of this story is and will be how a small cabal of men conspired to protect two brands, the PSU name and the reputation of the football coach. That those two things suffer now is completely appropriate.

    And can we get off the “It’s not fair to the current students/players/coaches!!” nonsense? If a man commits a crime and goes to jail, leaving his wife and kids to suffer without a breadwinner, do we cry “Let him out! The wife and kids are suffering and they broke no laws!” Justice is messy, and sometimes mud splashes on the innocent. But justice serves society at large, not a handful of people only. The “suffering” of Penn State’s current students players and coaches is something I’m confident they’ll all overcome.

    • “Justice is messy.” No, justice is meant to deter and punish the wrong doers and benefit the victims. The civil and criminal systems were handling this fine. Those involved are dead, in prison, or lost their jobs and on trial. Civil suits will bring retributive monetary justice from the School and officials involved to the victims. The NCAA sanctions did nothing for the victims and did nothing to punish the wrong doers. They piled on a university that has taken unprecedented steps to uncover the truth. The sanctions will effect the businesses of Happy Valley that rely on Game Day the most. The notoriously slow NCAA brings sanctions down a week after the report comes out, right before the season starts saying it is not about football. Other schools football coaches are in the parking lot recruiting players the next day. You are wrong to think its OK to punish these people for no reason.

    • I agree with you Wolf! Not only that but the law enforcement agency and welfare agency she refers to that are ill equipped are part of the University system, they were not city or state police.

      • Unfortunately you are quite wrong. They were, in fact the District Attorney’s office (not just the DA himself), and it was the STATE department of welfare child and protective services that did the investigation, and no charges were filed. And, just for your information, the Penn State police department is a well trained professional police department that also works closely with the Pennsylvania State Police and the FBI and the state fire marshal’s office to investigate any and all crimes.

    • A little news, the wives and children are suffering and broke no laws. But the rest of the family,community, friends ,etc. are not made to pay as well. Where do you people come up with this stuff? Why don’t you just kick Pa. out of the union? Apparently your brush covers a lot more than just the guilty. How has this penalty helped the victims?

      • Penalties are meant to punish the guilty, not help the victims. You want “jutsice” to be all things to all people. It isn’t. The victims have other avenues where they can and will get justice for their specific injuries. The football program and the university that leans too much on it are suffering, and again, the students and players there now will do just fine. Missing bowl games is a small lesson in life. The Penn State “community” is not suffering (unless you consider supporting a losing football team to be “suffering.” If that is suffering to you, then I suggest you visit a few places like Haiti, the Philippines, the slums of Bangkok. There you will see suffering. This attitude that a losing football team “hurts” is exactly the attitude that led to this scandal. It is ONLY FOOTBALL! You fucking Penn State knob-slobbers really take the cake when it comes to not getting the message.)

    • Re. the response by ‘Wolf’: This was an excellent, well-reasoned response to the original comments. From the looks of many other responses, too many folks are unwilling to see what’s right in front of them. It’s too easy to ‘blame the messenger (the media) instead of facing the facts. Maybe in time the people who love Penn State and Paterno will realize that even folks who do good things can also do bad things. Morover, when people begin to worship the great god, football, and the money it brings, their judgement gets clouded.

      • In regards to Mr Wolf…

        It’s difficult to even read your post… what starts as a critique turns sideways quickly and in the second reply crumbles to immaturity at the end.

        The loss the community is refering to is just a loss of football. I as an alum are nothing of sports, but recived a quality education and have two degrees. After I closed my buisness early this year with the market down and our product cost rising too high, I now am in the search for employment. In two of the five interviews I have had this month the scandal has come up. It’s been a decade since Ive moved to Oregon and there is little connection to Penn State sports here, but with a house going into forclosure I very much feel the black eye that has been put on all those who have attended Penn State when others view anything related to Penn State as negative. And you have shown that negativity and broad generalizing of every student past and present with your words.

        What has been said of our media is absolutely true. Even the media outlets themselves will say that some are biased to liberal political view and others see them selves as conservative counterpoints. I am sure that with out naming names everyone knows the companies being mentioned. That alone proves that our media is not capable of providing an objective story. One point you said was spot on… they cant sit and wait for all the facts. As we move to a 24 hour new cycle the chalange if to be first and integrity has been pushed aside. Is their a fix for that shift in culture? I don’t know, but it is not only the journalists to blame, but us the viewers (and readers to a lesser extent) who demand the immediacy.

        Mostly though what really gets me is we don’t talk about the real problem. “Wolf” said above that the justice system is to punish offenders not to help victims. To be fair he said punishments are to punish the guilty, a fact I doubt anyone will argue. But that is the problem, we sit and focus on punishment and by doing so are the real offenders. I have no doubt that punishments will be handed out, but what we need to focus on as a society is this is a mental health problem. We are focusing after the fact and keeping our eyes on what we know we can do something about, handing out fines and prison time. We, both society and the media, are skirting the issue of what causes this because we have no set answer. We have nothing to end our two minute segmant with. We like neat packages and don’t like to get into the slopy mess that what causes this behavior in the first place.

    • Wolf…
      You my dear are a genius!! You have said everything that I have been trying to say since this story broke….I may cut and paste it on my status on fb…thank you!!! It amazes me that people look at Joe Paterno as such a God and are so completely star struck that they have convinced themselves that he could not have ever been involved in such a thing….and now that Joe Paterno has passed people thinks that he deserves a “get out of jail free card”…nope!

      • I was never star struck by Joe Paterno. Most people who knew him are not star struck. They knew a good and honest, decent man who tried to do good things to help the University he loved.

    • Wolf. Returning the punt back to you, can you cite a credible source that clearly shows JoePa was involved in a cover-up? Could he have done more, yes? Could he have assumed, or been told, that the item was under investigation or being taken care of. As we see in the capture of Sandusky, investigations and collection of evidence take a long time. JoePa may or may not have known the extent of the investigation, or if an investigation cleared Sandusky. He reported the matter to superiors and university law enforcement. We will never know what he was told or wasn’t told, but the Freeh report is far from identifying JoePa as being involved in a cover-up. Given the man that he was, his contributions to the university and community, his dedication to his players and their education, it certainly begs us to allow for the possibility that he does not deserve to be vilified.

      I’ve met the man. I personally choose to give him the benefit of the doubt, barring the existence of conclusive evidence.

      • Wolf, also keep in mind that the existing student will suffer from the heavy fine levied. This will be seen in a reduction of programs, staff or other areas. The money does not magically appear. The source of the funding will certainly put a strain on those relying on it, so your comment that “The Penn State “community” is not suffering”, is quite misguided and poorly thought out.

      • You have a very liberal notion of what it means to “suffer.” There are 4,500 universities in the US. If a few programs get slashed at Penn State, boo hoo. A student can go somewhere else. Hell, in Pennsylvania alone there are 10 state schools cheaper than Penn State, but I guess in your mind the Penn State student will “suffer” from having to go to Kutztown or Shippensburg.

        I guess I’ll fly back to Manila after the next monsoon and tell the kids in the flooded out, dengue fever-infested neighborhoods that it could be worse. They could always be at an American university that was dropping a class they needed.

      • That’s the best you could do, type a junior high school comeback in all caps? I see why the PSU knob-slobbers can’t get the point.

    • You had my attention and my trying to see you’re reasoning but your profanity and name calling left me with a sour taste. You comments mean nothing, the case was investigated in 98, Joe Pa off the hook, it’s the old chain of command thing. You need to follow it.

      • James – I agree with you 100%. Someone who acts so very sanctimonious and wants to preach to those he perceives to be under-informed and/or naive loses all credibility when he resorts to f-bombs and name-calling.

    • “There is a moral issue here that goes beyond the legal responsibilities. After the 1998 investigation, the Penn State administration and Joe Paterno told Sandusky he was never going to be head coach.”….WRONG

      If you actually read the Freeh Report, JoePa informed Sandusky he would not be head coach BEFORE any investigation occurred. There is a simple timeline even you can surely follow.

  19. That was without a doubt, AWESOME!! Thank you, Buckeye. I have been saying most of those same things for months. I believe Joe and a lot of the football staff had no idea of the magnatude of the abuse. What most often forget is that only of portion of his malicious acts were committed on campus. Instead, the media focused their attention on bashing the good name and legacy of a man that is no longer able to speak for himself. I belive in Joe. I will always consider Joe to me an icon, hero, leader, mentor, educator, and a member of my “heart family”. God bless Joe Pa, his family, and the victims of Jerry Sandusky.

  20. A couple of responses to this thoughtful message:

    (1) “We” as in “It has always amazed me that WE (readers and listeners of mass media) have become so lazy that we swallow every morsel of so called news as gospel.” does not include ME. I question everything. I don’t listen to mass media which is owned by corporations and are beholden to CEO’s and stockholders. It is one of the reasons I was not brainwashed by the JoePa cult of personality while a student at PSU and the reason I am not personally offended by the lynch mob reaction to the morass at PSU. I am an individual who is extremely proud of the mathematics education I received at PSU and I do question what the media reports. In this regard, PSU “learned me well”.

    (2) I read the Freeh report in its entirety. The investigation was conducted by PENN STATE in order to determine who at PENN STATE was at fault for not reporting sex crimes to the authorities and the reasons the Board was not apprised. That the local law enforcement and the DA did not properly investigate Sandusky’s crimes is not relevant to the report. They are not accountable to the PSU Board. Did they do screw up? Probably. Are they accountable to PSU? No.

    (3) I have an issue with this sentence: “In 2001, having been through a Sandusky investigation just three years prior, Joe Paterno reported yet another incident to school officials.” It could be construed that this was not the first time Joe Paterno reported an incident to school officials when in fact it was NOT. In 1998, Joe Paterno was apprised of the investigation by university police. He did NOT report the incident to school officials. That victim’s mother was in touch with psychologists and therapists who initiated the investigation. (See page 48 of the Freeh report. ” ‘I have touched base with the coach. Keep us posted. Thanks. ‘ ” In no “way, shape or form” does this indicate the nature of Joe Paterno’s concern. It simply indicates a desire to stay informed.)

    (4) What I find most disturbing about the report is the fact that in 2001 neither Spanier, Schultz, Curley or Paterno attempted to learn of the identity of the victim who was assaulted in the shower (witnessed by McQueary) BEFORE TALKING TO SANDUSKY!!! That victim has NEVER been identified or revealed his identity. What happened to him? Did Sandusky have further contact after learning of the investigation? It boggles the mind. HOW ON EARTH DID FOUR MEN NOT KNOW BETTER THAN TO PROTECT THAT CHILD BEFORE CONFRONTING SANDUSKY?!?!?!

    (5) What on EARTH happened to the D.A. who decided NOT to press charges in 1998? You know, the one who simply vanished years later? And who was finally declared dead this year? And what pressure was exerted on him NOT to press charges?

    I am a proud PSU alumnus. I will NOT condone or defend people complicit in the rape and molestation of boys. Spanier, Schultz, Curley and Paterno are only a few of the people who did not do enough to protect children. There is ample evidence of their guilt. There are more, I am certain.

    These people are accountable NOT to the university first, but to HUMAN DECENCY. They suspected abuse and did little to stop it. Their first job as HUMAN BEINGS is to protect children, not the university’s reputation. Now they must live with their guilt. Paterno’s death was a blessing to him in that sense. Would anyone of us wish to live with that shame and guilt for the rest of our lives?

    In closing, I reiterate. The Freeh report’s responsibility was to investigate wrong doing at PSU by PSU staff. Other agencies will decide what to do with local law officials. It is not PSU’s responsibility. In this sense, it is a “step in the right direction”. More need to be held accountable.

    • So Doctor, you believe then that the countless thousands of students, fans, alumni, players and of innocents who knew nothing and were not part of this illicit conspiracy should be punished for the sins of those that were. I feel ashamed. I feel sad and ashamed to admit you are a Penn State graduate.

    • What I have a problem with is that MCQUEARY who witnessed the incident DID NOTHING to stop the incident at the time. He reported it…how many years/days/hours later??? He should have STOPPED it on the spot and called the cops. Sorry he is the one that should be crucified here. Hey on another subject equally as bad…there was a coach at Syracuse accused of sexual abuse a few days after this scandal…what happened to THAT story?

      • I will defend what McQueary did, as none of this would have come to light, and Jerry Sandusky would still be committing the crimes if Mike McQueary had not done what he did. He should be thanked for bringing this to light. I can only imagine what it must have been like to walk in to the locker room and hear and see “something of a sexual nature” being performed by a coach he had grown up with and admired for years. Actually I can’t imagine how upset and confused and angry and scared he must have been.

      • I also think McQueary should have done more.

        BUT, his situation is rarely considered. At the time, he was a graduate assistant (student) using a scholarship and planning on becoming a coach. If he intervened and the victim refused to corroborate the facts, that would likely mean losing the scholarship, his education to date greatly diminished, and his chosen vocation made impossible.

        I think he should have done more … but it was a very difficult choice to make in his position. He probably wishes he’d done more, too.

    • Amen, let’s start with Governor Corbett wo was AG at the time. What did Ray Gricar tell him and why was Ray Gricar’s brother MURDERED right befor he Ray disapppeared ?? The PSU police, the local Magistrate who relaeased Sandusky, C&Y investigations were toppled by $$$$. What did Gricar know and what was he about to expose ?? For a huge Collegiate Football team, who up to this time remained unblemished, no one wanted to “spill the beans” and tarnish Paterno’s status. Sure he did good, but in the end what he did was BAD ! He allowed a PAEDOPHILA to continue to molest Children for years. He was a god in Happy Valley, who else had the credibility to stop this MONSTER despite the Administration of Schultz, Curley, and Spanier. I guess the PSU Police, State Police, District Attorney, and the AG wouldn’t believe him ?? Really ?? Did Paterno write any letters to anyone to cover his ass – CERTIFIED !! Whatever happened to Curley and Shultz on their Perjury charges ?? Did Corbett and AG Linda Kelly make them go away too ?? PSU Football was always big $$$ when Paterno was around. With a $60 MILLION sanctin and now that the hammer is falling down, let’s see if any RATS come out of the closet. I feel bad for the Players and their wins taken from them – they played their hearts out for every victory. As a PSU grad, this troubles me deeply !! But money talks and bullshit walks. Right at this time the stadium was being rebuilt – would that have continued with MILLIONS in donations had the public known of this cover-up ?? Like I said, money talks and bullshit walks ! No one took the time to protect those kids, NO ONE ! And that’s the bottom line cuz Stone Cold Steve Austin says so !!!!!

    • John E. Majewicz, Ph.D,
      It disturbs and sickens me how many people will defend the actions of the those men…making excuses for them.
      Makes me sad that there are so few voices for the victims. They must’ve felt so helpless….and with good right.
      thank you!

    • In your third paragraph from the end of your comment, you state “there is ample evidence of their guilt. There are more, I am certain.” You are certain? Do you care to share this Are you withholding evidence?

  21. Wow – someone set aside the sensationalized media commentary, took the time to read the report, and developed a well thought-out opinion. What an innovative approach to gaining knowledge on a topic and expressing an informed view. NCAA President Mark Emmert you should take notes.

  22. My question is why are “They” not looking at the current Govenor, who was a Penn State trustee as well as being the sitting Attorney General of Pa, while all this was going on. He stated he knew about the accusations but had to keep it quiet because of a supposed investigation.
    A friend today said it best, The media and a lot of football people who didn’t like Paterno and his methods are all smiling because the media and the public are” Hanging a Dead man”

    • I wouldn’t think so, I know it’s not fair to him, he’s not here to defend himself… but that isn’t what this is about… it’s about wrong doing, being over-looked, and permitted to continue… and I wouldn’t want it to have been done to one of my own sons… had it been, none of them would be in the right or looked upon as heroes… but cowards, saving their own faces and glory, and their only claim to fame was selfishness. It all contradicts helping ‘the boy’, seeing he gets a higher education, and a scholarship… not when it robs ‘a boy’ of being able to look up to these same men and of his self-worth… not when they are not only raped physically but mentally.

    • Dominick, I might be able to shed light on that. There was an article a while ago (and forgive me for not citing it because it’s late, but I’m sure you can find it fairly easily) that discussed how Tom Corbett went to Penn State to ask Joe Paterno, a staunch Republican, to help him campaign for governor. Paterno told Corbett that he would not get involved in the gubernatorial elections because of potential conflicts of interest (the governor controlled the amount of funding Penn State receives). University president Graham Spanier said the same thing. Corbett allegedly vowed a personal vendetta against Penn State, and in particular, Joe Paterno. Upon his election, Corbett (being a nasty sort who holds has done quite a few shady things in the past, which you can look up yourself) cut public education spending significantly, including all three state-funded universities. In particular, he viciously attacked Penn State and proffered the largest cuts against them.

      The governor of Pennsylvania is automatically granted a seat on the PSU Board of Trustees. This is a role that the governor has traditionally NOT attended (in fact, no governor before has attended a Board meeting at Penn State before). Tom Corbett was the first. The Penn State Board of Trustees claims that during the meeting, it was Governor Corbett who bullied and cajoled the Board into firing Paterno, and later Graham Spanier. Even staff members in Harrisburg have been reported (again, late, you can find the sources yourself) saying that Corbett was boasting that he was the man who got Joe Paterno fired. When recently asked at a press conference about his role in the scandal, he angrily slammed his fist down and refused to answer any questions about Penn State (not a level-headed, politician-y thing to do).

      As Attorney General, Corbett sat on the case for almost 8 years. It was his successor who noticed this glaring case and aggressively pursued it after Corbett’s inauguration. It is possible that Tom Corbett had nothing to do with the scandal, and he chose in good faith not to investigate the Sandusky case because he legitimately felt there was no merit to the allegations.

      However, to quote Louis Freeh, “A more reasonable conclusion” would be that Tom Corbett was hell-bent on his personal grudge against Paterno and Spanier for not helping his election campaign. It is believed by this investigator that Corbett leaned on Penn State to commission the Freeh Report with a hidden agenda to lay all blame solely on Schultz, Curly, Spanier and Paterno, and then subsequently whitewash all of his involvement in the case in exchange for relaxing his funding cuts at the state level. The University President and the Board of Trustees, being backed against a corner due to the funding cuts, were forced to accept Corbett’s collusion and just roll over. Because, sadly, state funding accounts for more money from the university than the football program could have ever brought in.

      This is a far more believable conspiracy theory than the one implying that Joe Paterno conspired to cover up Sandusky’s abuse (thinking that turning Sandusky in would somehow magically have the opposite effect of solidifying the public view of the integrity of the Penn State Football program). This conspiracy theory involves real men with true power, and far more money than $60 million. Additionally, comparing personalities, Paterno’s reputation has always been one of honor and integrity; whereas Corbett’s reputation has always been a highly temperamental and vindictive.

  23. Finally!, a voice of reason. The sensationalism and excessive punishment of the Penn State/Joe Paterno legacy are so sad. To tear down the wall & destroy that statue was wrong. It is insane to
    pretend true records (win-loss/individual records) didn’t happen is wrong. To slander Paterno when the accusations made., is just too sad for words.

  24. Thank You so much for sharing your views. Well written with common sense and rationale. Every PENN STATER needs to read this article as well as the NCAA, and Mark Emmert, which I have no respect for whatsoever, anymore. Anyone who knew Joe PA, knows that there is truly something wrong with the Freeh report and the accusations.
    Mark Smeltz
    Class of 1980

  25. Finally someone intelligent has come through with a very informative message. My daughter was accepted to Penn State Main amidst all the turmoil. She messaged me from school so concerned that I would no longer want her to attend there. I messaged her back to tell her that a few bad people don’t ruin an entire system. Penn State is a wonderful school and has much more to offer, and though this is a bad time, they will persevere and come out stronger. I anticipate a lot of spirit as people step up to provide support. Those who are confirming they will stay on the football team this year deserve a lot of credit and will ultimately make a bigger name for themselves! So proud to have my Daughter at Penn State Main! We Are!!

  26. Media Spin!
    Very destructive.
    Breaks down the traditional processes and turns them into a Zoo.
    Actually changes the outcome of legal processes!
    I have watched this evolve very quickly over a short period of time. It is sad. . . but I am afraid it is only going to get worse, unless somehow the public gets numb to it, and the news media decides to do something else.
    It is sad you can only get away from it by turning off the TV, Radio and Computer, much like my parents probably did, in their life time.

  27. if you read the freeh report, you would know that joe is not innocent and was actually quite involved in a cover up. the thing about joepa is–to believe that means you have to negate everything you have ever known about penn state football in the past and everything you ever thought about joe paterno. yes, it SUCKS for everyone else–the newest football players, the football team,the businesses that will suffer, the students who might feel that their degree will be ‘tainted’ BUT it sucks the most for those victims! in all of this hype over joe no one is talking about the victims! are they getting screwed yet again?

  28. Are you guys all serious?

    This is copy+pasted from *FACEBOOK* for one, if you really want to talk about journalistic integrity.

    Literally 2/3 of this ‘article’ is the author saying that media is bad for being media.

    The last 1/3 latches onto one sentence from the report and uses it to excuse all of the wrongdoing on the part of Penn State. Being ‘uneducated’ in how to handle a problem does not make you exempt from the consequences. You can’t simply claim ‘I didn’t know any better’ and be excused from your wrongdoing.

    Yes Penn State is being punished. Yes there is collateral damage. This is what happens when you let the entire school come under the power of a football coach and athletics brand. Please stop lying to yourselves.

  29. As a raving fan of all things Maize and Blue, I take my hat off to this Buckeye for writing this. I read all 267 pages of the report as well and came away with just about the same feelings. If law enforcement and professional services could not find any charges to apply, how is it that a football coach would. The lack of proper training in the Clery Act played a big role in the horrific indecisions by those in the leadership role, not only by Joe Paterno, but also the President, AD, University Police Department, all the way down to the Resident Advisors. I was in Happy Valley this past weekend and got a chance to see the statue before it was taken down, but more importantly I got to see the the fans, alums, and family of PSU and how they have come together, not in support of what happened, but in support of each other. I say to and with them, and this may make you cringe so I apologize now, but “We Are, Go Blue!!”

  30. Great article. Yes, more could have been done. But, based on the investigation in 1998, one would have thought that the law was capable of discovering the abuse that was going on. I think everyone assumes that JoePa and his comrades were the only ones who knew what was going on and didn’t report it.
    To be fair, let’s get ticked off at everyone around Sandusky. Why are we giving Sandusky’s family and friends such a break and cursing Joe Paterno? According to the report, a lot of these incidents with abuse happened in Sandusky’s home as he “tucked” his victims into bed. How did the people who lived with and around Sandusky not have a clue as to what was going on and why are we not even considering that? Because…that wouldn’t be sensational enough. Let’s go for Penn State as a whole. Soooo many people SHOULD have known and SHOULD have said something. Yes, horrible stuff did happen on the Penn State campus. No one disputes that. People need to be punished for not doing their part in stopping this madness. I have a hard time believing that the only first hand accounts of the abuse happened on campus.
    I hope the victims get some peace and a sense of justice. I just hope that the right people are punished and join Sandusky where they belong.

  31. Thank You from a parent of a junior at Penn State!!!! I am sharing this with as many possible!! I think you should take this to the national news media( Bob Vistas).

  32. A very leveled headed article, but one thing needs to be clarified. You write that this happened 12-14yrs. ago. That is misleading because it was not one horrific act more than a decade ago, but multiple acts over the course of that time frame up until Sandusky was put in house arrest.

    If I were to go out and murder someone, rape someone, etc., no one would blink an eye about the effect it has on my family- they would want me thrown in jail so I couldn’t do it again. I see it the same way- Penn State officials as well as law enforcement turned a blind eye and simply asked Sandusky not to bring his “friends” on campus. How can they not be held accountable?? It was protect football above all else.

    I feel terrible for the current students/football players. They are definitely being affected by dispicable actions that had nothing to do with them. Unfortunately, those who knew what Sandusky was doing, and continued to facilitate it have to be punished.

    Unfortunately, that means punishing the football program. Think of all the athletes who had their Olympic dreams killed through no fault of their own because of the boycotts in 1984. They’ve moved on, and so will the students and football players of Penn State.

    This is a gut wrenching situation that never should have happened. There are no winners.

  33. Finally someone with a brain. I’ve called this thing a witch hunt from the start! The witch is in jail. Many people dropped the ball, but to put this on the coach, the team, the school, future teams, and future coaches is reprehensible! The NCAA administration needs an overhaul, as does the current Penn State board who decided to tear down everything that has made Penn State great through the years! Tearing apart the lives of innocent people will not bring back the innocence of those who were so violated. It cracks me up that these ner do wells in the NCAA walked away patting each other on the back because they think they did something, they didn’t seem to care that what they did was WRONG! I’m ashamed for them, as I pray for the real victims in all this, the boys.

  34. Thank you from an ’07 Penn State alum who is currently an Ohio resident. I’ve always been able to talk about my alma mater with a sense of pride. Now- although I am a teacher and my job is to teach and protect children, I am looked at as a supporter of child abuse just because I have a PSU license plate cover on my car! I am ashamed that these events happened at my University….but I am NOT ashamed OF my University. It is nice to see at least one OSU alum who can look at this situation and realize that it is not the students, athletes, and 99.9% of university employees who are at fault in this situation. Now….can you please talk to everyone else in this state and get them on the same page?

  35. This article is totally divorced from reality. Just as an example: No one is trying to lynch PSU’s current students, players, et al. for a crime committed 14 years ago. What has people upset — despite Myke’s complete and unsubstantiated mischaracterisation — is the PSU coverup of Sandusky’s chld rape which existed for at least 14 years, until PSU was finally caught. Let me repeat: For 14 years, a pedophile avoided justice and continued to rape children because the culture of PSU told powerful men from Paterno to the president that their university was too important to expose to this sort of criticism. No one intimate with PSU’s culture of sweep-it-under-the-carpet cronyism was surprised by anything they’ve discovered in the scandal so far, except for the part about kids being involved. Those of us who’ve studied, worked and lived as a part of the university for years understand this culture to be top-down driven: It’s caused by the board of trustees, thus it’s unsurprising that we find such self-serving drivel here. I love PSU and am committed to its better days ahead, but to apologize or obfuscate the truth of PSU’s official culpability in child rape will not help us build a better tomorrow, just a slightly revamped version of the pass in which those involved with the football program or PSU’s other flagship enterprises routinely get free passes for felonies.

    • I beg to differ with you. Many of us have long standing relationships with many departments at Penn State–and still do–the district magistrates have also concurred that no one in football ever intervened in any “felony” as you call it to save the skin of a football player who did wrong or didn’t make the grade. And I, as a former instructor at Penn State who had football players in my classes, can also attest to that fact!

  36. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! I feel like you said everything I’ve been thinking and saying to my family and friends. The District Attorney DID investigate this as well as other law enforcement agencies and nothing was done!!! You don’t hear about that. You rarely even hear Sandusky’s name. The name you hear more than anyone is Paterno. That is the name that sells. While I’m outraged by what happened, and wish people did more to protect these kids (especially Mike McQuery who saw this with his own eyes), I don’t feel that punishing the new players who want to go to PSU or the players who played there and did nothing wrong is the way to go! The fine is fair. Probation………..that’s fair too. Not receiving money from the bowl games……..also fair. Scholarships and erasing the hard work of players from the past who have done nothing wrong is just creating more victims. Magazines can write “We WERE Penn State” all they want but those of us who have gone there and consider Penn State their family, we will ALWAYS be Penn State! As an Ohio State graduate, I know that you share the love and loyalty to your school as we do to ours. I will never regret going to Penn State……….I will always regret what happened there!

  37. As a Penn State Alumn and someone who did think Joe Paterno was a pretty decent fellow, (I refused to say more or less as I was not in his inner circle nor knew the actual character of the man, but he had a VERY LONG career without scandal attached to his name (until now, sadly) and with mostly consistent accolades attributed to his character) it is nice to read an article/statement that does not condemn everyone as being a party to this horrifici scandal. And, I appreciate that you read the facts and came to your judgment on your own and did not allow your opinion to be fed to you. Pretty darn smartical for a Buckeye! ;D In all seriousness, I agree with your conclusion that the media and journalism has turned from what was once an honorable, unbiased, and ethical profession to one of sensationalism and loosely founded opinion. Too many people do not know how to dig out truth, those who make it their career should not do so with such callousness.

  38. DID YO UNOT READ THE FBI REPORTJoe Paterno and other top Penn State officials hushed up child sex abuse allegations against Jerry Sandusky more than a decade ago for fear of bad publicity, allowing the former assistant football coach to prey on other youngsters, according to a scathing report issued Thursday on the scandal.

    “Our most saddening and sobering finding is the total disregard for the safety and welfare of Sandusky’s child victims by the most senior leaders at Penn State,” said former FBI Director Louis Freeh, who was hired by university trustees to look into what has become one of sports’ biggest scandals. “The most powerful men at Penn State failed to take any steps for 14 years to protect the children who Sandusky victimized.”

    After an eight-month investigation, Freeh’s firm produced a 267-page report that concluded that the Hall of Fame coach, President Graham Spanier, athletic director Tim Curley and vice president Gary Schultz “repeatedly concealed critical facts relating to Sandusky’s child abuse.”

    Paterno “was an integral part of this active decision to conceal” and his firing was justified, Freeh said at a news conference. He called the officials’ disregard for child victims “callous and shocking.”

    Sandusky is awaiting sentencing after being convicted of 45 criminal counts for abusing 10 boys.

    The university’s board of trustees held a late-afternoon press conference where they acknowledged the report and its “sobering” findings. They called the report “critical” in their attempt to move forward and never again allow a similar scandal at the school.

    Karen Peetz, the chairwoman of the board, said at this point there will be no more resignations on the 32-member board. She said the board owns the responsibility of the oversight.

    “We are grateful for the report,” she said. “We will study the document as we push forward.”

    Peetz said the panel believes Paterno’s “61 years of excellent service to the university is now marred,” by the scandal and how he handled the accusations.

    Another trustee, Kenneth Frazier, said, “Our hearts remain heavy and we are deeply ashamed.”

    “You have to measure every human by the good they’ve done, and the bad they’ve done,” he said. “We have to take some time … and distance before we start thinking about how we think about Joe Paterno’s entire life and entire body of work.”

    The scandal led to the ouster of Paterno and Spanier. Curley and Schultz are awaiting trial on charges accusing them of lying to a grand jury and failing to report abuse. They have pleaded not guilty.

    Counsels for Curley and Schultz blasted the report Thursday evening, saying investigators didn’t interview key witnesses like Mike McQueary, who said he saw Sandusky in a shower with a boy in 2001.

    “The Freeh Group was limited in its investigation by lack of subpoena power and the reluctance of many people to be interviewed. Therefore, the Freeh Report has limited impact on the defense of Tim Curley,” Caroline Roberto, Counsel for Tim Curley, said in a statement. “The result is a lopsided document that leaves the majority of the story untold.”

    In the report, Freeh also said Sandusky’s conduct was in part a result of the school’s lack of transparency, which stemmed from a “failure of governance” on the part of officials and the board of trustees.

    Freeh had said officials had opportunities in 1998 and 2001 to step in.

    Asked whether the officials’ actions amounted to a crime such as conspiracy or obstruction, Freeh said that would be up to a grand jury.

    School leaders “empowered Sandusky to attract potential victims to the campus and football events by allowing him to have continued, unrestricted and unsupervised access” to campus and to affiliate with the football program, the report said. The access, the report states, “provided Sandusky with the very currency that enabled him to attract his victims.”

    Sexual abuse might have been prevented if university officials had banned Sandusky from bringing children onto campus after a 1998 inquiry, the report said. Despite their knowledge of the police probe into Sandusky showering with a boy in a football locker room, Spanier, Paterno, Curley and Schultz took no action to limit his access to campus, the report said.

    The May 1998 complaint by a woman whose son came home with wet hair after showering with Sandusky didn’t result in charges at the time. The report says Schultz was worried the matter could be opening “Pandora’s box.”

    Then, in 2001, after a member of Paterno’s staff saw Sandusky in a campus shower with a boy, officials did bar him from bringing children to campus and decided not to report him to child welfare authorities.

    “There’s more red flags here than you could count over a long period of time,” Freeh said.

    In a statement, Paterno’s family said the longtime coach made mistakes that he acknowledged but “never interfered with any investigation” and was fooled by Sandusky.

    “The idea that any sane, responsible adult would knowingly cover up for a child predator is impossible to accept. The far more realistic conclusion is that many people didn’t fully understand what was happening and underestimated or misinterpreted events,” the statement said. “If Joe Paterno had understood what Sandusky was, a fear of bad publicity would not have factored into his actions.”

    The report also singled out the revered Penn State football program — one built on the motto “success with honor” — for criticism. It says Paterno and university leaders allowed Sandusky to retire in 1999, “not as a suspected child predator, but as a valued member of the Penn State football legacy, with future `visibility’ at Penn State’,” allowing him to groom victims.

    Investigators, however, found no evidence linking his $168,000 retirement package to the 1998 police investigation. Freeh called the payout unprecedented but said there was no evidence it was an attempt to buy Sandusky’s silence.

    Sandusky’s trial last month included gut-wrenching testimony from eight young men who said he abused them as boys, sometimes on campus, and included testimony that showed he used his prestige as a university celebrity to manipulate the children.

    By contrast, Freeh’s team focused on Penn State and what its employees did — or did not do — to protect children.

    More than 430 current or former school employees were interviewed since November, including nearly everyone associated with the football program under Paterno. The Hall of Fame coach died of lung cancer in January at age 85, without telling Freeh’s team his account of what happened.

    Some of the report’s most damning evidence against Paterno consists of handwritten notes and emails that portray him as being involved with a decision by the officials not to tell child welfare authorities about the 2001 encounter.

    Spanier, Schultz and Curley drew up a plan that called for reporting Sandusky to the state Department of Child Welfare. But Curley later said in an email that he changed his mind about the plan “after giving it more thought and talking it over with Joe.”

    Spanier concurred but noted “the only downside for us is if the message isn’t (heard) and acted upon and we then become vulnerable for not having reported it.”

    The emails also show Paterno closely followed the 1998 allegation.

    With the report now complete, the NCAA said Penn State now must address four key questions concerning “institutional control and ethics policies,” as outlined in a letter sent to the school last fall.

    “Penn State’s response to the letter will inform our next steps, including whether or not to take further action,” said Bob Williams, the NCAA’s vice president of communications. “We expect Penn State’s continued cooperation in our examination of these issues.”

    The U.S. Department of Education is examining whether the school violated the Clery Act, which requires reporting of certain crimes on campus, including ones of a sexual nature. The report said Penn State’s “awareness and interest” in Clery Act compliance was “significantly lacking.”

    Only one form used to report such crimes was completed on campus from 2007 through 2011, according to the Freeh findings. And no record exists of Paterno, Curley or assistant coach Mike McQueary reporting that he saw Sandusky in a shower with a boy, as they would be obligated to do under the Clery Act.

    As of last November, Penn State’s policies for Clery compliance were still in draft form and had not been implemented, the report found.

    U.S. Department of Education said it was still examining whether Penn State violated the Clery Act, but declined to comment on Freeh’s report.

    Read more:

    • did you not read the report by James Clemente? For those of you who WANT to hate Joe Paterno, go ahead, there is nothing I can say that will change your mind. However, for those of us who knew Paterno, and for all those players whose lives were shaped by a decent, honest coach who had a Grand Experiment of football players graduating with skills for life, this was a huge miscarriage of justice.

  39. I completely agree with this comment and my true concern is for the students who had nothing to do with the situation yet must endure the punishment meant for another.. Hold the abuser to his punishment not innocent bystanders, Also to tear down a statue of a man who gave is life to this institution seems harsh as well as saying he didn’t deserve the wins that his young charges played so diligently for him is just ridiculous as well as moot seeing as the man is dead and the only ones being hurt are his surviving relatives. My sympathies go to all the affected young men hurt but this Sandusky person, however he did this, not Penn State as a whole.

  40. Thank you OSU Alumnus! Your level-headed, neutral article is so refreshing and so needed! If you’re in the journalism business (or are planning to make that leap) you’ll have an ardent follower in me!

  41. McQ testified to Joe’s reaction when he told him of what he saw in the shower. Paterno leaned back in his chair and sadly and quietly said “I’m sorry you had to see that.” Sounds like a guy who just had a secret revealed

    • As you know, McQueary couldn’t even tell Joe what he saw, because he was too embarrassed by it, even tho, McQ has changed his story ‘how many times’??? He then went on to say that he didn’t see anything sexual.

  42. Will someone please please please explain to me how the current students are being punished?!?! Are they still going to get the same PSU education? Yes. Is the school going to field a football team? Yes. And isn’t it always the same, when the storm settles, everyone looks for someone else to blame, in this case, the media. I guess it is the American way.

  43. This is AWESOME….write the book and get more of THIS kind of reporting out there…..yes wrong was done and NOW the media…is HURTING more YOUNG PEOPLE (like you said, because of ‘sales’ of mag and newspers)…than the GOOD that they should be focused on …be in Ohio State, Penn State and many other fine school. There is more to PSU than one department that needed to clean up it’s act. I love PSU and OHIO State. Was born in Bellefonte, Pa and lived in Ohio after college !! ~ I HOPE you become one of the TOP in your pursuits !!!!

  44. This is one of the best written articles I have seen since this whole scandal started. From an unbiased outsider, who has nothing to gain except many accolades from those of us who were a little closer to the situation than the writer, we have been given food for thought that, hopefully, will be read by many, and will cause people to know you cannot believe everything others say. So thank you to the Buckeye writer, and we will now and forever be Penn State proud!

  45. I want to say thank you for the article. I have said all alone that the media has picked the most central point and person that would sell news and that is Joe Paterno. When the last time you saw a headline about Spanier, Schultz or Curley. These are the ones truly behind whatever coverup took place. But again that doesn’t wasn’t going to get ratings. It was coach Paterno who was the focus of everything. A man who had it brought to him, reported it to those head officials who were supposed to deal with it and who chose to bury it. A man who is sadly gone now and can’t speak on his own behalf. Read the Freeh report completely and see who’s to blame for all this. Lastly, i am waiting to see how the NCCA deals with criminal situations that occur amongst players and/or coaches moving forward from this point on. In the past they hid behind involvement by claiming they didn’t deal or have the authority to deal with criminal matters. Well you now opened pandora’s box, lets see how they deal with all the criminal matters throughout the NCCA programs now regarding, players arrested for gun possession with serial numbers filed off, etc….


  46. These very words I have been saying from the beginning. Somehow Paterno has become the bad guy and all of Penn State has been made to pay the price for the heinous actions of Sandusky.

  47. Given the inactions of the PSU Board, most of the NCAA sanctions are warranted, however, the impact is that they punish the existing students, with little benefit to the victims.

    The students and PA taxpayers will be the most impacted by the sanctions, not those guilty of inaction. Additionally, the NCAA, by stating that the fine can not be financed through the elimination or reduced funding of existing sports programs, shows ignorance by putting sports over education. If the fine is not funded through the sports program, then the other components of the University will need to do so. These are mostly related to education.

    I do not believe the other sports programs should either, but sharing the responsibility puts the burden on the University holistically, and does not send a signal that sports should be more important than an education.

  48. Class of 1993. I am proud of the education I got at PSU and am lucky enough to use it everyday. Here are the facts. The “gang of 4” sheltered a know predator to protect “the brand”. You DO NOT need a manual to know right from wrong. They ALL need to go to jail NOW! Please don’t defend them. By the way, write it down, they will all BLAME THE DEAD GUY! They are scumbags that do NOT deserve to be connected with the PSU we know and love. I coach sports but I never looked at any of the “the gang of 4” as a GOD! It was my hard working professors who represent MY PSU. Anyone defending “the gang of 4” have taken this as a personal attack. GET OVER IT! BY GETTING RID OF THEM AND DISTANCING YOURSELF FROM THEM
    YOU WILL MAKE PSU A “BETTER” PLACE. What professor made a differnce in your life? Mine was Alan Quigley in Adult Education. Let’s concentrate as to why we went to PSU in the first place. Go ahead name one professor, it will make you feel good and we ALL need that now!

    • Actually, if you read my post today about the football players and their involvement in raising money for kidney cancer, you will get a taste of what our “football culture” means in making a difference in many lives. The difference that Joe Paterno, his players, his program have made in the lives all over the country and beyond is immeasurable. Their involvement in special olympics, thon, etc, etc, etc, goes well beyond what you or I can ever hope to contribute to society. It is great that you are a coach–I hope you are instilling the same values of concern for others in your athletes that Joe Paterno and the Penn State Football Culture still have, even in Joe’s absence!

  49. “Their naive acceptance of the media’s portrayal of the students/athletes, as well as Joe Paterno and other officials at Penn State is very bothersome to me and it should be to you.”

    that’s where you lost me sister………..If you are telling me what to think also, then you are as big a problem as the media.

    reporting the facts, ‘n nothing else. ‘ twas the crux of your rant ?

  50. A coverup is a cover up joe should have done the right thing if he loved his students and job not following up on the accusations tells me he loved his paycheck more!!!!!!

    • Actually, Joe had enough money that he didn’t really need the “paycheck”–he was worth millions-and donated much of it back to the university–not in his will but while he was alive. He invested in the education of the students at the institution he held dear to his heart. And, just to correct you, he did not “cover it up” as you so eloquently stated!

  51. Sorry, but not every person who agrees with the NCAA and now Big 10’s sanctions against Penn State, has “drank the koolaid” that is modern media. I have a mind of my own thank you very much and by opening your argument by lumping everyone together who agrees with the punishment and insulting them, you completely invalidated your opinion and made yourself look foolish, not those you are trying to bash. Better luck next time.

  52. Yeah, let’s totally stop caring about the victims of these horrific crimes and just give the institution and it’s students/football players a free pass, since we place a higher value on college football than we do on protecting innocent children. Seems like a totally legitimate idea. Honestly, it’s arguments like these that make me disgusted with people who are judging those who agree with the sanctions of the NCAA and the Big 10 by making a statement with the penalties that Joe Patero and Penn State are not above the law, that college football or any sport for that matter doesn’t take precedence over trying to right a wrong done to many victims over the years, no matter how long ago. If you are truly focused only on how this impacts the football players lives now, you are missing the point entirely and honestly I feel sorry for you. The fact remains, that Joe Paterno and the rest of the higher ups at Penn State could have done more and should have and instead let a sexual predator roam free for years, even after being removed as assistant coach. They didn’t and instead covered it up, then lied about it while under oath and the fall out of from this could’ve have been prevented. It doesn’t matter how long ago these things occurred, the fact remains that it did and The NCAA and The Big 10 had to do something. The only aspersions being cast are aspersions at the complete lack of doing anything about Sandusky years ago when it first came to light, and sorry but Joe Paterno and Penn State are culpable for that and Pen State is now paying the penalty for it, and it’s rightfully deserved.
    No amount of insulting me and telling me I have a hive mind mentality will make that true or change my mind. There are intelligent, rationale people who have minds of their own who come to the same conclusion. It’s actually possible. Regardless, it’s never a good idea to start off an argument by insulting the people you’re trying to correct. It just makes you look like an idiot.

    • Thank you well said and yes the kids that are in penn state right now are taking a lot of insults they do not deserve this,and should be proud of their school! Now for the very stupid this does not mean that they do not realize how horrible this was for these victims .Penn State has made my son a better person he has learned how his new family “Penn State” helps so many organization. I for one am very proud of all of these kids.

  53. Thank God someone finally understands and fully explains the unbaised opinion of the average Penn State fan…when this horific situation all started in 1998 and Gov. Corbett was in the attorney generals office…why hasn’t he been held accountable in anyway…my heart goes out to the victums of the abuse they had to endure at the hands of that sick (sob) SANDUSKY..BUT…the fines and sanctions agaiinst the entire University..and the football players from 1998 to 2011 are just rediculous..maybe JOE PATERNO.didn’t do as much as he should have..But..he was a Great coach..and his acheivements and All that he did for Penn State University speaks volumes…We are Penn State…

  54. Thank you very much and how can we get this out to the public, not that Facebook isn’t big but a lot of people are not on it. I have said from the beginning, a couple very important people are not getting punished. Govoner Corbett, drop the case when he was attorney general, let’s take his job away. Mike McCerry, sorry bout spelling, he kept his job after Joe was railroaded. The board of trustees. Your artical needs to be out into the public and stop punishing current students. Thank you

    • I have sent this to the NY Times but I doubt if they will do anything with it. I also posted it on cnn ireports, but never heard back. I do know that ABC news has been watching my blog, so maybe something will come of it yet. Let’s all hope so.

  55. Very well written. Only thing is you left out some very important names. First Mike Mc Creary, second board of trustees, and third Tom Corbett. Anyone of these people could have done more or even prosecutted Mr Sandusky.

  56. Just so I’m clear. The bulk of the mainstream media is painting with too broad and negative a brush, essentially whoring itself out for page hits and ratings. But your take is objective and well-considered. Is that about right? While I have no love of the media, that’s kind of silly. To the degree that one can “interpret” the Freeh report, different people can draw different conclusions. But pretending this is wide open for debate is simply incorrect. There are facts in play here, many of which are misrepresented or marginalized in this post. You call it reading the report with an open mind, implying that to be open-minded is to disagree with the consensus. I’ve read the report, and I happen to find it damning on numerous levels. The university and its football program have repaed the consequences of some very poor choices.

  57. Bottom line! A representative of the University has done horrible things to kids and top brass potected him! I agree the stusents should not suffer, however they will still gat a great education!

    • too bad you never learned how to spell or type. Sandusky WAS NOT a representative of the University when he did those things. In 1998 after an investigation by the police and department of child welfare, there was not enough evidence to pursue the matter. Check your facts.

  58. Mr. Triebold. I concur and agree at least 99 percent with the Buckeye obersever regarding this situation and have been saying for the past two weeks that I wonder how many of these reporters have actually READ the report issued by Freeh and his team. As a journalist, I am saddened by the lynch-mob mentality fostered by some writers and wonder how many people actually note that report does criticize the trustees for their failures, too? Take note, Freeh has a personal relationship with at least one of the trustees. That fact was buried deep in an AP story early before the investigation. I also read that one trustee supposedly knew about the reports of abuse (ed note:Steve Garban, who has since resigned) and did nothing…also buried in the newspapers. Where is the blame for the police and other law enforcement agencies?? McQueary testified before the Grand Jury that he went to State College police…..they claimed they “had no record” of him ever visiting and telling them of the locker-room incident. So many questions are not being asked and Joe isn’t around to defend himself. Did he make mistakes? Yes, likely. But it appears he is easy to blame because of that. Did Freeh’s team find just what the trustees wanted him to? (ed note: I believe that is exactly what they wanted–put it firmly on Joe Paterno, who can’t defend himself) What of the investigations by D.A. Ray Gricar (ed note: and all the other attorneys in the DA’s office) and the Pennsylvania State Police? I’m afraid it will be some time before we will know, if ever.
    Thanks to the Ohio State alum for sharing and for being a responsible journalist. Kudos to you, especially considering your school had a painful time not too long ago as well. Thank you and may I also note that Jim Tressel is one of the most upright people I have ever met.

  59. Thank you!!! Would you like to run for the Penn State Board of Trustees??? They could use some of your wisdom!!!

    • I did run for the board of trustees this past time, and did not do very well, even with a long time consuming campaign. The jury is still out as to whether I will try again. If I think I can make a difference I probably will, but maybe I can do more service keeping this website running to continue disseminating information to all who are interested enough to read it.


  61. Now that is REAL journalism! Thank you for sharing this article and giving some true FACTS in this case. Well said!!!!

  62. Thank You!

    I did not read the Freeh report, relying on media reporting.
    Joe Paterno had enormous power in the state of Pennsylvania. His input could surely have influenced the handling of information – and the media said the report stated just that. It made me think “abuse of power” … But I remained undecided, because by every other account I’ve ever read, Joe was an honorable man.

    In defense of my not reading the report, we ARE in a war, a drought, a recession, a healthcare crisis, etc. I do not have the time and energy to read everything of importance. I require summaries.

    So, I stress “THANK YOU”.

    Further, the Penn State Board of Directors need to be voted out.

  63. Thank you for the very well thought out and written article. I live in Happy Valley and assure you that although I knew nothing about the whole sordid mess, I and my family will suffer as a result of it. Joe Paterno put State College on the map, without him and the football program he built, I expect to see a very different Penn State. For all those who would like to see it destroyed, try to remember that there are thousands of good folks who have been employed there and that the local economy is driven by the students and all those who came to watch the Nittany Lions play. Instead of bashing us, please pray that we can survive it. Thank you Llee Stu

  64. I don’t know. I really just don’t know. I’ve typed. I’ve deleted. I’ve typed and deleted again. It boils down to just: I don’t know. I know what I want to believe. I know that I will never know the complete truth (no one will ever really) and so I will never be comfortable stating my thoughts on the subject. Not even to my husband as the subject is so hot.

    Boys were abused. The abuser is now in jail. He should be publicly hung, drawn and quartered IMHO. People knew. Who knew? Who knows…. People should have reported and did not. A cover-up happened. Some will suffer consequences, some will not. Some may be being persecuted unjustly but then again maybe not.

    A lot of us are sad (some angry) about JoePa. Some because there is a possibility that it is all true and we were deceived, some because they believe none of it is true (his part in the cover-up,) some because they feel the school and media are taking out their anger on the figurehead of Penn State as if he and he alone was to blame.

    A school’s reputation is shot. So be it. It sucks. Is it justice? I do not know. It is not fair to the students, to the faculty, to the football players themselves. But again, no school should be so reliant on its athletic department. No school should be known for its football and only for its football. Penn State is SO MUCH more then its football program. People seem to forget about that. Yet another sign that our society is seriously out of whack.

  65. AGREE that NCAA has seized the opportunity for their own greedy benefit at this point. Furthermore, their sanctions against PSU have only served to victimize hardworking, dedicated, and innocent people (past, present, future athletes and students) not directly involved in Sandusky’s sick, twisted acts against the real innocent victims of this tragic event.

  66. Great Ohio State letter. I could not agree more. As for the media… what a mess they have become. In March 2011, all of the national media and local affiliates presented stories informing the public that rescue breathing was no longer a part of CPR. Wow! another fabricated story that millions of Americans now believe to be true. If you saw any of these reports, note that not one of them had a representative from the American Red Cross, American Heart Association or your local fire department. It has been left up to thousands of CPR instructors across the country to correct this misinformation in our training classes. Additionally, the media would not agree to allowing representatives from the ARC or AHA on TV to correct this story.

  67. All I do know is after the first inkling he Sandusky should have had all his campus connections severed- that is the crime of PSU and Paterno. I went to Michigan- when Bo was there- I know what he would have done- and so what have Woody- OSU writer is an idiot- and a discrace to Woody’s memory

    • I don’t think that a former Ohio State coach who was fired for slugging a football player on the field should be held up as an example of “do the right thing”–this is another case of time and perspective clearing the picture. No argument that in negotiating a retirement package if admin knew about the 1998 investigation that the granting of university facilities was not a good idea. Joe’s personal notes on the subject are: “the use of facilities are to be available for personal use only, NOT for the use of participants of the Second Mile–which, it turns out, is exactly what Jerry was using them for late at night when no one else was around.

  68. I do not believe the NCAA punishment on PSU Football was fair. I believe that this punishment unjustly punishes kids not involved in any crime. Who is actually being punished by these sanctions? The fans, current students, and athletes.

    Do I believe there was a cover-up? YES. The people who did it (according to the Freeh report) are no longer with the university. They’ve been fired. I believe that each and every victim has the right to bring civil litigation against those involved including Paterno’s estate. The government is criminally prosecuting the remaining people involved. Let the court system handle it.

    Look, I don’t believe Paterno was a deity. But let’s attack him and the others involved… only them. NOT the students and student-athletes. Why can’t it be that simple?

    I leave my rant with two examples:
    1) Did anyone read recently that VA Tech administration is being held responsible for the deaths of 20+ students during the shooting rampage in 2007? They didn’t notify their students like they said they would when danger was eminent. Will the NCAA make an example of their administration who failed to notify their students? How about their English department where Cho was a student… are their scholarship opportunities being reduced?

    2) Will the University of Colorado be sanctioned because of the movie theatre rampage? The killer was a PhD student there. Worse than that… he mailed his plans to the Psychiatry Department, and they failed to open it for about a week. Could he have been stopped if they would’ve done the right thing?

    OK. Sorry for the long post, but this has been bothering me. I honestly do not care about the Paterno bashing. If what we read in Freeh’s report is true, he should be bashed… and his name should come off the library as well. That doesn’t bother me. What bothers me is punishing the people… the kids… who were not involved in those egrecious acts.

    Punishment should be fair and directed at the people involved in the crime.

    • Mike…. Joe isn’t here to defend himself, so let’s not attack him! Joe is who everyone wants to blame. Did you read that attys found handwritten notes in his filing cabinet, at his house, saying that Sandusky was not allowed to bring any children into the PSU facilities, because of liability issues. The BOT overruled and allowed him to continue bringing them in.
      I hope the Paternos have the library torn down, because I wouldn’t want to give the BOT and Corbett (the back stabbers) anything that had my name attached to it.
      Also, we know that Freeh’s report is biased, because that is what Corbett, the BOT, and the NCAA want. How come it took just a few days for them to hand down sanctions to PSU? Because they wanted to ruin this upcoming season! This is one big corrupt farce!

  69. Thanks Myke, for publishing what thousands are thinking and millions should read. Just imagine our future as a nation if we accept wanton destruction of our top institutions because of media-fueled rage, without regard for truth or due process. And all those who are so ready to pile-on and bash PSU while personally unaffected… how tolerant are they when subject to an injustice themselves? We collectively need to regain our senses.

    • Hello Adam, I have sent you a response per your email. Spread the word, share the information–whatever we need to do to clear the name and reputation of a great university and a great football coach who surpassed all records of Division I coaches, and did it with honor through his “Grand Experiement”–which by the way hasn’t ended. This year we rank #1 in academics among all major college football programs. This has been an unfair unjust witch hunt! The press seems to have overlooked that Joe Paterno was found in the Grand Jury investigation to be honest, forthright, and truthful–and never faulted him for what had happened.

  70. I never thought I would be writing about and OSU alum haha! What I cannot understand is how you don’t get it. Penn State made a mistake and you choose not to see that!

  71. We all should have a common goal. Success. Winning. Achieving. But not at the loss of others. PSU has a proud tradition, and I am ecstatic that my daughter is living in Happy Valley as a freshman. How dare Mark Emmert, as a representative of an already scandalous organization set sanctions. In the USA, we have due process. Let the guilty be charged and judged. The innocent shall not be punished for the crimes of the guilty. We have a judicial system to handle these matters. History cannot be rewritten.

    • And by the way, as a father, husband, Neumann College Grad and Eagle Scout, I personally condemn Mike McQueiry for not stopping what he saw but waiting to report same in a timely manner. Whistleblower law, I understand, but as a man sorry pal, cant be with you.

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